SolarBag Personal Water Purifier
By Zak Motala
Using the power of sunlight, the SolarBag eliminates the need for battery power, chemicals, pumping, cleaning filters or membranes. The SolarBag is BPA free and can be used hundreds of times to provide 3 litres of pure drinking water in 3 to 6 hours of exposure on a clear or cloudy day. It is the first non-powered, non-chemical system to ever exceed the requirements by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Standard and Protocol for Water Purifiers, which require that water purification methods destroy 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses and 99.9% of protozoa. The SolarBag has been tested and endorsed by independent labs. The SolarBag breaks down organic compounds (such as petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals), reduces and removes heavy metals (like arsenic, lead, and mercury), and sterilizes bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
The versatility and performance of the SolarBag makes it the best water purifier on the market for remote and emergency applications
About the Author
 | Zak Motala, Oxy Blast International Bellevue, WA 98004 1-866-466-8252
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